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发布时间:2022年01月10日 14:53 作者: 浏览次数:

   刘 睿                                     

   博士  副教授  硕士生导师  






2010.08–2013.11, 香港浸会大学, 生物学, 博士
2007.10–2010.05, 香港浸会大学, 生物学, 硕士

2002.09–2006.06, 东北农业大学, 生物技术, 学士


2009.10-2010.07, 香港浸会大学, 生物系, 研究助理RA
山东大学, 新莆京app电子游戏, 博士后
2016.07-2019.06, 山东大学,新莆京app电子游戏, 博士后

2018.07-2021.09, 山东大学,新莆京app电子游戏, 助理研究员

2021.09-至今,   新莆京app电子游戏,新莆京app电子游戏,副教授




1.       玉米种子发育关键基因的克隆及其分子机理

2.       玉米逆境胁迫信号转导


1.       湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,玉米种子发育关键基因Cpp1的克隆及其功能剖析,2022/9-2024/88万元,主持。

2.       国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,EMB17EMB20CRS1在玉米种子发育和内含子剪接过程中的功能和机理研究, 2020/01-2022/1225万元,主持。

3.       中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助,PPR55在玉米种子发育和内含子剪接过程中的功能研究,2017/05-2019/125万,主持。

4.       国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目,玉米籽粒大小主要遗传网络的解析和分子机制研究,2018/01-2019/12450万,参与。

5.       国家自然科学基金重点项目,玉米种子发育关键PPR基因的功能和作用机理研究, 2017/01-2021/12 273万元,参与。 


1. Shi-Kai Cao#, Rui Liu#, Miaodi Wang, Feng Sun, Aqib Sayyed, Hong Shi, Xiaomin Wang, Bao-Cai Tan (*). The small PPR protein SPR2 interacts with PPR-SMR1 to facilitate the splicing of introns in maize mitochondria. Plant Physiology 2022. (SCI一区)

2. Shi-Kai Cao#, Rui Liu#, Aqib Sayyed, Feng Sun, Ruolin Song, Xiaomin Wang, Zhihui Xiu, Xiaojie Li, Bao-Cai Tan (*). RCC1-domain protein DEK47 functions on the intron splicing of mitochondrial nad2 and seed development in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science 2021. 12: 695249. (SCI二区)

3. Rui Liu, Shi-Kai Cao, Aqib Sayyed, Huan-Huan Yang, Jiao Zhao, Xiaomin Wang, Ru-Xue Jia, Feng Sun, and Bao-Cai Tan (*). The DYW-subgroup pentatricopeptide repeat protein PPR27 functions on editing of multiple mitochondrial transcripts and interacts with ZmMORF1 in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany 2020. 71: 5495-5505. (SCI一区)

4. Rui Liu, Shi-Kai Cao, Aqib Sayyed, Feng Sun, Xiaomin Wang, Chunhui Xu, Bao-Cai Tan (*). The mitochondrial pentatricopeptide repeat protein PPR18 is required for the cis-splicing of nad4 intron 1 and essential to seed development in maize. International Journal of Molecular Science 2020. 21: 4047. (SCI三区)

5. chongchong Lu #, Moxian Chen #, Rui Liu #, Lin Zhang #, Xuanxuan Hou, Shouxu Liu, Xinhua Ding, Yong Jiang, Jiandi Xu, Jianhua Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, YingGao Liu (*). Abscisic acid regulates auxin distribution to mediate maize lateral root development under salt stress. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science 2019. 10: 716. (SCI二区)

6. Rui Liu #, Yinggao Liu #, Nenghui Ye, Guohui Zhu, Moxian Chen, Liguo Jia, Yiji Xia, Lu Shi, Wensuo Jia, Jianhua Zhang (*) AtDsPTP1 acts as a negative regulator in osmotic stress signalling during Arabidopsis seed germination and seedling establishment. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015.66: 1339-1353. (SCI一区)


1. JiaoZhao#, Shi-Kai Cao#, Xiu-Lan Li, Rui Liu, Feng Sun, Rui-Cheng Jiang, Chunhui Xu, Bao-Cai Tan (*). EMP80 mediates the C-to-U editing of nad7 and atp4 and interacts with ZmDYW2 in maize mitochondria. 2022. New Phytologist 234:1237–1248.

2. Dalin Yang, Shi-Kai Cao, Huanhuan Yang, Rui Liu, Feng Sun, Le Wang, Miaodi Wang and Bao-Cai Tan (*). DEK48 is required for RNA editing at multiple mitochondrial sites and seed development in maize. 2022. International Journal of Molecular Science 23:3064.

3. Feng Sun, Xiaoyan Zhang, Yun Shen, Hongchun Wang, Rui Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Dahai Gao, Yan Zhuo Yang, Yiwei Liu, Bao-Cai Tan (*) .The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMPTY PERICARP8 is required for the splicing of three mitochondrial introns and seed development in maize. 2018. Plant Journal 95: 919-932.

4. Lu Shi, Miaomiao Guo, Nenghui Ye, Yinggao Liu, Rui Liu, Yiji Xia, Suxia Cui, Jianhua Zhang (*). Reduced ABA Accumulation in the Root System is Caused by ABA Exudation in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L. var. Gaoshan1) and this Enhanced Drought Adaptation. 2015. Plant Cell Physiology 56: 951-964.

5. Nenghui Ye, Guohui Zhu, Yinggao Liu, Aying Zhang, Yingxuan Li, Rui Liu, Lu Shi, Liguo Jia, Jianhua Zhang (*). Ascorbic acid and reactive oxygen species are involved in the inhibition of seed germination by abscisic acid in rice seeds. 2012. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 1809-1822.

6. Guohui Zhu, Yinggao Liu, Nenghui Ye, Rui Liu, Jianhua Zhang (*). Involvement of the abscisic acid catabolic gene CYP707A2 in the glucose-induced delay in seed germination and post-germination growth of Arabidopsis. 2011. Physiologia Plantarum10: 1399-3054.

7. Yinggao Liu, Nenghui Ye, Rui Liu, Moxian Chen, Jianhua Zhang (*). H2O2 mediates the regulation of ABA catabolism and GA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis seed dormancy and germination. 2010. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 2979-2990.

8. Yinggao Liu, Lin Shi, Nenghui Ye, Rui Liu, Wensuo Jia, Jianhua Zhang (*). Nitric oxide-induced rapid decrease of abscisic acid concentration is required in breaking seed dormancy in Arabidopsis. 2009. New Phytologist 183: 1030-1042.

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